J.J.Gandhi & Associates
Website and Client Portal Integration for Internal Use in a Law Firm
Jan 2021 - Present 

Project Background
J.J.G. & Associates, is a law firm, already well-established, reached a pivotal moment where the company aimed to broaden its client base and extend its geographical reach. Recognizing the necessity for growth, there was a strategic decision to leverage the digital platform. In spite of having a strong presence with local clients, the firm identified the potential to expand internationally. The realization dawned that, despite receiving overseas client inquiries through word of mouth, there was a lack of a robust digital presence. This prompted the decision to harness technology, establish a solid digital platform, and propel the firm's business expansion.

Explore the Website here 
The Process
Our design thinking process has been a dynamic and iterative journey, meticulously addressing identified problems at each stage. In this case study, we delve into the early phases, ongoing development, and the successfully launched product. 

Having initiated the website redesign, we've conducted 
1. Two usability studies, 
2. Gathered impactful insights from usability Test -1 and proceeded with the launch
3. Currently in the process of implementing key findings post Usability Test -2.

Our approach involves the following key steps:

1. Understanding the Goal - Why? 
Delving into the core purpose and objectives that guide our design decisions.

2. Defining the Audience - Who? 
Identifying and specifying the target audience to tailor the design to their needs and preferences.

3. Understanding Users' Context and Problems - When and Where? 
Analyzing the context and problems users encounter, considering the timing and locations of their interactions.

4. Ideation Phases - Listing the Ideas 
Engaging in creative brainstorming sessions to generate and evaluate potential design solutions.

5. Usability Test -1 
Conducting the first usability test after creating final mock ups to gather valuable user feedback and refine the design.

6. Implementing Insights and Launch 
Integrating insights gained from usability tests and successfully launching the product to the audience.

7. Usability Test -2, Getting Ready for the Next Steps 
Conducting a second usability test to further enhance the user experience and prepare for upcoming phases in the process.
Understanding the Goal
Embarking on a strategic growth journey, the four key goals carve a path for JJG Associates to broaden its reach and promote inclusivity. These objectives sketch a broader picture where the firm not only expands its geographical presence but also ensures accessibility for every potential client, cultivating a flourishing business environment. 
Defining the Audience
Upon scrutinizing the product's mission, it became evident that the primary users would be the clients. The user base comprises two distinct categories, each with unique motivations for task completion – 
1. existing clients   and,   2. prospective new clients.
In terms of defining the audience, understanding the primary users is pivotal for tailoring the product to their specific needs and motivations. Existing clients and prospective new clients represent distinct user groups, each requiring a           customized approach to enhance their experience with the product.
Understanding the problem
In our assessment after identifying the business goal, a crucial challenge surfaced — the absence of a digital footprint posed a barrier for potential clients, hindering online engagement. Additionally, the reliance on verbal references created a gap in showcasing success stories, impacting trust-building. Addressing these issues through a comprehensive website redesign became imperative, transforming the firm's digital narrative and bridging the competence-perception gap.

User Research
The user research was conducted using following methods -
1. Competitive Analysis
2. Surveys
3. User Interviews
4. Analyzing and Inferences
I led the user research team, orchestrating remote meetings with the team and adeptly coordinating work hours across diverse time zones. We meticulously crafted a comprehensive project timeline, focusing on each ongoing phase with precision to ensure seamless project management.
1. Competitive Analysis
We conducted a comprehensive competitive analysis of the website to identify areas for improvement and assess its market positioning. The findings indicate notable areas, including navigation, functionality, branding, visual appeal, and the online engagement platform, which may require attention to effectively compete and align with our strategic goals.
2. Surveys
We implemented surveys to gauge the experiences of both our current clients and potential new clients. Surveys emerged as a highly effective method for uncovering pain points and proved to be time-efficient. During office visits, we requested existing clients to complete the survey form, and we also shared the form with clients they may have conversed with. 
The survey yielded expected results, highlighting known problem areas, and offered intriguing insights to enhance communication for both user groups. After collecting a total of 50 responses, we began analyzing the insights, with 30 originating from our existing clients and 20 from prospective new clients.
3. User Interviews
User interviews were conducted with two primary user categories: existing clients, comprising those whose cases were successfully concluded and those with ongoing cases, and prospective clients, encompassing individuals recommended by our current clientele and a pool of applicants who may require legal services in the future.
User Quotes - Current Clients

"It would be great to receive automated reminders for upcoming 
appointments. I've missed a few due to scheduling oversights."

"Seeing success stories showcased on the website would be fantastic. It 
adds credibility, and potential clients can understand the firm's track record."
User Quotes - Prospective Clients

"Having detailed profiles and case summaries on the website would 
be great. It helps me understand the firm's expertise before reaching out."

"A clear track record of successful cases would be crucial. I want to know the 
firm has a history of achieving positive outcomes."

"While I value a lawyer close by, a more successful track record might 
convince me to choose someone even if they're farther away."
4. Analyzing and Inferences
In this phase of the research, we examined critical problem areas that were hindering our business goals and impacting user experience. Subsequently, our focus shifted to assessing the extent of their impact and progressing towards devising solutions to mitigate their adverse effects.
User Group - Existing Client
User Group - Prospective Client
User Stories 
exploring what needs to be build

"As a current client, I want the law firm to provide convenient and responsive online communication channels, such as live chat or a dedicated client portal, so that I can easily engage with the firm and receive timely updates on my case."

"As a current client, I want the law firm to modernize its document sharing process for seamless interactions, so that I can          efficiently manage my legal affairs."

"As a prospective new client, I want the law firm's online presence to be more visible and informative, so that I can easily assess its capabilities and reputation before considering engagement."

"As a prospective new client, I want the law firm to showcase its extensive legal expertise through a diverse                                       online portfolio and prominently feature trust indicators, so that I can make informed decisions about its suitability for my legal needs."

"As a prospective new client, I aim for the law firm to upgrade its appointment and inquiry procedures, offering a secure online platform for a convenient and streamlined experience as I explore their services for the first time."

User flow
finding opportunities in the current user flow to improve the product 
Current User flow of an existing client
Current User flow of a prospective new client
Website Interface before the Redesign
Ideation - Wireframes
Website Interface after the Redesign
Explore the Website here 
Impacts Learned 
Following the implementation of website changes based on user research, we observed some positive impacts:

1. Enhanced user engagement.
2. Increased inquiries from new clients.
3. 6%  increase in conversion rate
5. A 20% rise in new client conversion rates compared to returning clients.
5. Expanded geographies and increased diversity.
6. Existing clients reported improved ease in communication.
7. 27% increase in unique visitors
Usability Test -1 
We conducted a usability test after implementing changes to the website following the user research and gathered valuable insights, leading to important iterations. 
Key priority-1 insights include -
1. The need for in-depth team profiles, 
2. Improved visibility of online appointment slots, 
3. An efficient online document uploading portal.
Iterations after Usability Test -1
Upon gaining insights and understanding the impact of the usability test, we created iterations and prototypes in response to user feedback. The resulting Minimum Viable Product (MVP) incorporates the following major features:
1. Robust Team Profiles: Explore detailed and comprehensive profiles that provide in-depth information about our team  members, enhancing your understanding of their expertise and background.
2. Enhanced Appointment Slot Visibility: Enjoy an improved and user-friendly interface that allows you to effortlessly view and access available online appointment slots, ensuring a seamless scheduling experience.
3. Streamlined Document Uploading: Experience efficiency with our online portal for document uploading, designed to simplify the process and make sharing and managing documents hassle-free.
4. Individual Client Log-in: Implementing a secure individual log-in feature to enhance personalized user experiences.
"Revamped Appointment Booking Process: 
Transition from Inquiry Messages to Seamless User Flow"
"Enhanced User Experience: 
New Personal Account Feature for Document Uploads, Centralized Document Overview, and Appointment Tracking"​​​​​​​
Usability Test -2 
Following the implementation of iterations based on insights from Usability Test -1,                                                                    we proceeded to Usability Test -2 with the MVP (Minimal Viable Product)
Insights from Usability Test -2 and considerations for the next steps include:

1. Personalized Dashboard: Developing a customized dashboard for users to have a tailored overview of their interactions and activities.
2. Active Blogs with Insights and Legal Articles: Introducing dynamic and informative blogs that provide insights and legal articles to keep users engaged and informed.
3. Chat Bots: Incorporating chat bots to facilitate instant communication and support, enhancing user engagement and interaction.
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